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November 21, 2019 -- Moms Demand Action West Seattle --represented by Jessica Rembert, Kate Stockert (Legislative Lead) and Lexi LaFlamme (Chapter Leader) spoke on "How can we plug into efforts to reduce gun violence in our community and beyond!"


September 26, 2019 – House Speaker Eileen Cody, on “How to make sense of the health care debate.


August 27, 2019 – Summer Picnic celebrating Georgie Kunkel’s 99th! Birthday. Incumbent/Candidate City Councilwoman Lisa Herbold, Candidate for City Councilman Phil Tavel, and our State Senator Joe Nguyen joined all of us.  Also, a special moment for our guest Claire to finally meet Georgie, the wife of the man who liberated her mother from the Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp during WW2. There's a picture of both Norman and Claire’s mother Laura in Georgie & Norman's book "World War II Liberator's Life, AFS Ambulance Driver Chooses Peace".


June 23, 2019 – The results of WSDW’s "penny game" held at yesterday’s Morgan Junction Fair yesterday are below.  (Each "voter" got five pennies to distribute between all the Democratic candidates.)

"Anyone But Trump" 387 26%
1. Elizabeth Warren 317 21%
2. Kamala Harris 182 12%
3. Bernie Sanders 129 9%
4. Pete Buttigieg 126 8%
5. Jay Inslee 89 6%
Total 843 votes
6. Joe Biden 53 4%
7. Cory Booker 48 3%
8. Beto O'Rourke 29 2%
9. Julian Castro 20 1%
10. Andrew Yang 18 1%
Total 168 votes
The next 5 were Marianne Williamson, Kirsten Gillibrand and Tim Ryan with 15, 13, and 12, respectively.
Michael Bennet, Amy Klobuchar and Tulsi Gabbard with 8 each. The rest of the candidates got less than 8.

March, 2018 -- Melissa Taylor, Executive Director of Emerge Washington.  The organization's mission is to educate and train women to run for political office and then support their campaigns and help them win their respective races.


February, 2018 -- Bevin McLeod, Program Director, Healthcare For All Washington. This organization lobbies the legislature in Olympia to work on passing laws that will pave the way for Universal Healthcare in WA State.

May, 2018 -- John Repp, Karen Farnsworth, Barbara Sardarov, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility.  They spoke on the substantial nuclear arsenal that exists in our state, what we need to know about it and what we can do to lobby our legislators about fighting nuclear proliferation.


April, 2018 -- 34th Legislative District State Senator Sharon Nelson and State Representative Joe Fitzgibbon.  The members of WSDW were treated to a special up-close and personal conversation with our State Legislators as they wrapped up their session and we thanked Sen. Nelson for her service as she plans to retire at the end of 2018.

December, 2017 -- Annual WSDW Holiday Party -- Festivities include cookie exchange, White Elephant gift exchange, lunch, and our community service work--creating 100+ gift bags for women at the White Center Food Bank.


November, 2017 -- Bob Kaminski, Member of Speaker's Bureau for 350 Seattle (local affiliate of; Mr. Kaminski spoke about the fracking of liquified natural gas (LNG) in WA State.

350 Seattle is building a passionate grassroots movement for climate justice.

October, 2017 -- Seattle Mayoral Candidate Debate with Jenny Durkan and Cary Moon.

September, 2017 -- Nuria Hansen, West Seattle lead, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Ms. Hansen shared through PowerPoint and video presentations statistics on gun violence in America and Washington, stories from victims, their families and loved ones, and information on how to become active in fighting the tragic effects of gun violence in this country.

July, 2017 -- Dylan Cate, Director of Organizing and Strategic Campaigns, Washington State Democratic Party.

June, 2017 -- Seattle Mayoral Candidate Forum with  State Sen. Bob Hasegawa, former State Rep. Jessyn Farrell, Jenny Durkan, Cary Moon, former Mayor Mike McGinn and Jason Roberts attending.

May, 2017 -- Fran Partridge, Racial Equity Specialist, speaking on white privilege and understanding the ongoing difficulty of equity and race relations in our communities.

April, 2017 -- Seattle City Council Candidate Forum with all major candidates attending.

March, 2017 -- Former Seattle City Councilman Nick Licata speaking about his then-new book "Becoming a Citizen Activist."

February, 2017 -- Nancy Amidei, Project Director, Civic Engagement Project; Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, University of Washington. Ms. Amidei spoke on ways to effectively engage and lobby our legislators in Seattle, Olympia, and D.C.

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Seattle, WA 98126

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