WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK - As of November 16th 2020, We've collected $335* out of our $500 goal!
WHITE CENTER FOOD BANK - As of November 16th 2020, We've collected $445* out of our $500 goal!
SW YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES - As of November 16th 2020, We've collected $210* out of our $500 goal
*Includes $125 to each agency donated by WSDW!
It is disappointing to all of us to be approaching the holiday season and not be able to get together for our meetings around the holidays.
Usually, before COVID-19, our monthly meetings included each month collecting funds to give to both the White Center and West Seattle Food Banks. December’s meeting was extra special since we devoted a large part of it preparing gift bags for White Center Food Bank clients.
But since we will not be able to collect gift bag goodies and have our December work party, we've decided on a different way to spread some cheer at the Food Banks. We have set up Facebook fundraising pages for both the West Seattle Food Bank and the White Center Food Book. In addition, we have added a third option - Southwest Youth and Family Services, another important West Seattle non-profit agency which provides services to families in need.
WSDW has approved a donation from WSDW of $125 for each of the three fundraisers. We invite all our members, guests, and their friends and their friends to donate to one, two or all three of the agencies. The fundraising drive will be open until New Year’s Day and then checks will be sent directly from Facebook to the three agencies.
If you would like to contribute, please go to the WSDW’s fundraisers on Facebook.
Thank you so much!!
Happy Holidays & Stay Safe,
West Seattle Democratic Women
COVID-19: Biden and Harris have a seven-point plan to address the coronavirus.
Set up regular, reliable and free testing for all Americans.
Create a larger supply of personal protective equipment made in the U.S.
Provide guidance for how communities should navigate the pandemic by using a renewable fund for local governments and providing a “restart package” that would cover safe operation costs for small businesses.
Invest $25 billion in a vaccine manufacturing and distribution plan.
Protect older Americans and others at high risk by establishing a COVID-19 "racial and ethnic disparities task force" and creating a nationwide pandemic dashboard that's updated in real time.
Restore the nation's relationship with the World Health Organization and bring back the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, originally established by the Obama-Biden administration.
Implement mask mandates by working with local authorities.
Economic recovery: The transition team says its "ultimate goal" is to mobilize American manufacturing and innovation and build a modern infrastructure for clean energy. Biden wants to reopen the economy by controlling the pandemic first, providing aid to local governments to prevent more workers from getting laid off, and extending COVID crisis unemployment insurance.
Racial equity: The Biden-Harris administration wants to provide equity in business, pass police reform legislation, and reduce the prison population.
The plan is to strengthen the Federal Reserve’s focus on racial economic gaps, promote diversity in leadership (especially in federal agencies), improve access to affordable housing, boost retirement security and financial wealth for minorities, and address long-standing inequities in agriculture.
Police reform: Biden wants to ban chokeholds, stop the transfer of weapons of war to police forces and create a national police oversight commission.
Prison population: Ensure fair sentences, offer second chances based on the belief that the system should be focused on redemption and rehabilitation, and support survivors of violence.
Climate change: The new administration wants to make large investments in ...
Infrastructure: Rebuild roads, water systems and electricity grids as well as develop systems for clean air and water.
Auto industry: Develop domestic auto supply chains and infrastructure.
Transit: Provide every city that has 100,000 or more residents with zero-emissions public transportation options — ranging from installing rail networks and improving existing transit lines to implementing options for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Power sector: Achieve a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035.
Buildings: Upgrade 4 million buildings and weatherize 2 million homes.
Housing: Construct 1.5 million sustainable homes and housing units.
Innovation: Reduce the cost of critical clean energy technologies and rapidly commercialize them. These technologies include battery storage, building materials, renewable hydrogen and advanced nuclear.
Agriculture and conservation: Plug abandoned oil and natural gas wells and reclaim abandoned coal, hardrock, and uranium mines.
Environmental justice: Ensure that environmental justice is a key consideration in where, how and with whom we build.