WEST SEATTLE'S "LADY LIBERTY" (Alki Beach) - When you visit it, take time to find the WSDW BRICK.
West Seattle Democratic Women is an organization of Democrats who enthusiastically engage in political and civic events. We stay informed through presentations by experts on topical issues; we host candidate forums, invite our elected officials for briefings and endorse candidates; we find creative ways to raise awareness of critical issues in West Seattle and beyond; and through donations, volunteers and sponsorships, we support local non-profit organizations that contribute to the welfare of our community. Our group is friendly and welcoming. We invite all to our monthly meetings.
Meetings-Now Virtual Until Post
To make your reservation for an upcoming Zoom meeting, call Mary Fisher at (206) 933.8340 so she'll be able to send you the appropriate meeting's Zoom meeting number and password
necessary for entry.
2020 "GO Fund Me" Facebook Pages -- Goals & Level of Completion!
July-August, 2020
John Lewis's Essay "Together You Can Redeem the Soul of the Nation.
Democrats Virtual Phone Bank
"The Brick"
"The Brick"